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Weekly Love Letter: For Ana

I've only been blogging for a few weeks now, but every second of the experience has been incredibly rewarding- maybe my next love letter will be to blogging itself! So far, this blog has provided me with an outlet through which to explore my writing and my thoughts/feelings, has sucked up all my free time (in the best way possible), and has rekindled a sense of purpose in my life. But most importantly, this blog has allowed me to reconnect with old friends in a meaningful way, and it has allowed me to connect with completely new friends all together.

After my very first blog post, a performing artist and writer from Portugal reached out to me via Facebook messenger. I have very much enjoyed getting to know her and getting to know about Portugal's traditional forms of theater, including a performance style known as "revista." Talking with Ana has encouraged me to continue blogging and continue putting my whole heart into my Frozen performances- knowing that both these parts of my life have touched an incredible woman on the other side of the world has kept me going during the past few trying days at work. In her last message to me, Ana said, "If I had to write a Weekly Love Letter and show some gratitude for what I have, this week my words would be about you." I cried when I read that, and am crying again now as I type, remembering and retelling such a gesture of kindness. So I promised her that since I do have to write a Weekly Love Letter, I would, in fact, make my words this week be about her.

This love letter is for you, Ana! (By the way, how cool is it that our names are so similar?)

To round out my letter, I will simply share with all of you what I said in my most recent message to Ana:

"Hello again, Ana! I wanted to wait to write you back until I could really spend some time. Most of all, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your words and telling me I am brave. Because of the frailties you mentioned, I often don't feel very brave, but I try very hard on a daily basis to speak up for what I believe in in a way that is respectful to everyone involved. It is very hard, and I often get punished for it. But knowing that there is even one person out there, all the way on the other side of the world, who has found inspiration and courage from my actions and my words makes it all worth it. I'm so glad I get to talk to you. I just followed you on instagram and I am loving all of the pictures of you in costume- despite having to work a day job you are clearly putting in the time to pursue your art, which is all that matters in the end. Never lose your drive to follow those passions- I am so glad you are feeling more courage to do so. Being an artist is probably one of the hardest things to do/be in the world. It requires so much dedication and confidence in the face of hardship. But it is all worth it to have our voices be heard."

Thank you for making me feel brave, Ana. Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times. You are in my heart constantly these days, and I hope we continue our correspondence and continue encouraging each other as well as other women in our lives to be brave and to follow our passions.

As Ana ends her letters, "Beijinhos" ("little kisses" in Portuguese)

Little kisses to all! Thank you for reading!

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